About us

About us:

The Ezüstfény Private Clinic was established in 2014.

We are proud of the fact that over two and a half years, more than 31,000 patients have turned to us with their health problems and honored us with confidence. Throughout the years, we continuously kept broadening the range of our services and specializations based on the needs and feedback of our patients. We also expanded our equipment and we continuously follow the latest developments in the field of medicine in order to incorporate them into our services.

With our personal attendance, we always try to follow with attention our patients’ reactions, opinions and find out how could we be even better.

Thank you for the many positive feedback that give us plenty of energy in our everydays.

Opening hours: Monday-Friday: 8 AM-8 PM + we are open on weekends too by reservation – without waiting.



This field deals with the diseases and disorders of ear, nose and throat. General examination is usually complemented with instrumental tests such as audiometry, instrumental analysis of the vestibular system or endoscopy and all these together help to determine the diagnosis and therapy plan. The work of our otolaryngologists is supported by a well-equipped technical background: if further investigation is needed, they can perform laboratory tests, allergy tests, radiology examinations and audiometry or treatment of otorhinolaryngologic causes of snoring.



This special medical field deals with diseases of the gastrointestinal system.

If the patient suffers from persisting stomach aches, vomiting, bleeding or anemia, in order to diagnose them, the internist may prescribe an endoscopic examination. The endoscope can detect minor, otherwise unnoticeable abnormalities in the gastrointestinal tract. Upon request, we can perform the examination in anesthesia. It usually does not have any side effects, on rare occasions it causes throat dryness, coughing or mild bleeding. The use of endoscopes allows surgery to be replaced by a minimally invasive intervention for certain diseases. During an endoscopic intervention a flexible device equipped with a camera is driven into the stomach and lower tracts of the alimentary canal, through the oral cavity. This allows visualization of all these segments and certain abnormalities can even be removed endoscopically. Colonoscopy examines the colon and provides opportunity to remove polyps and take samples from tumours. The whole process takes less than 30 minutes but in case of a therapy it could take longer. The patient can leave after a short rest.











  • Treatment of the diseases of the tooth socket (dental alveolus)
  • Parodontology
  • Cosmetic dentistry
  • Preventive treatments
  • Tooth preservation treatments
  • Preparation of dental prosthesis

Magánklinika a 10 – 16 kerület határán


Az Ezüstfény Magánklinika 2014 augusztusában indult. Büszkék vagyunk arra, hogy három és fél év alatt több mint 31000 páciens közel 49000 alkalommal fordult hozzánk egészségügyi problémájával és tisztelt meg minket bizalmával. Családi vállalkozásként mindig a magas színvonal megtartására törekszünk, ezért a páciensközpontú betegellátás mellett, folyamatos fejlesztésekkel és bővítésekkel garantáljuk orvosaink és betegeink számára a lehető legjobb körülményeket a gyógyításhoz és gyógyuláshoz egyaránt. Személyes jelenlétünkkel mindig igyekszünk figyelemmel kísérni pácienseink reakcióit, véleményeit és azt, hogy miben lehetnénk még jobbak. Talán ez az, ami megkülönbözteti magánrendelőnket a többitől. Köszönjük a rengeteg pozitív visszajelzést, ezek sok energiát adnak nekünk a mindennapokban! 2017 ben 24 000 betegellátást végeztünk melyek kapcsán 31 negativ észrevételt kaptunk vagyis a betegek 0,129 % élt kifogással. Sajnos egy kifogásolt eset is sok de mi minden nap azon dolgozunk, hogy betegeink elégedetten távozzanak tőlünk.

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